I'm not any different than I was back home. GOD isn't any different here then he is in America. Ugandan Christians still go through the same struggles as American Christians. Africa is just a place. Kate Namtebi (my African name) isn't any different than Kate Shetler. This is what I have to keep telling myself as I learn to live my daily, typical life in Africa just like I live back home in Michigan. There are going to be good days, bad days, days when I am excited, days when I am tired, and days when I stand in awe at the amazing God I worship. Strangely, these past few days have been a combination of all of these things. It started with me having to say goodbye to siblings. Then, I found myself taking on more chores around the house, which was both tiring but good as I finally feel like I'm squeezing my way in as a normal member of the family. Next, I met a family friend named David, who is one of the most Godly men I've ever met, and when he prayed for the family I felt more blessed than I have in my entire life. Finally, I found myself in the doctor's office waiting my turn to get rabies vaccinations, which started as a burden but ended with a blessing from God. I got bit for the second time since I've been here (this time by our wild cat), and the shots in the U.S. cost around 200 dollars each in a series of 4 vaccinations. Praise God for African prices, however, as I managed to get 8 shots for only 65 dollars (2 of which I got yesterday), and I get my rides to Kampala paid for! Now I only have to go three more times to get the remaining 6 shots, and I'm safe from rabies for the rest of my stay! It definately wasn't the worst thing that could have happened, and I am remaining joyful through it all :)

We had a breakfast for the students living in homestays, and the food was delicious and the fellowship was wonderful! We had chapati with guacamole, beans, and eggs, coffeecake, and fruit in yogurt :)
This is my sister, Lillian! We went on a date to town and went shopping and got ice cream. Then we went back home and watched an American movie with Justin Timberlake in it :)
I had plenty more pictures to share, but they wouldn't upload, so hopefully I can post them tomorrow!
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